Monday, July 25, 2011

Being rich and decent.

Under the American capitalist system, people have been allowed to get rich. Filthy rich. Obscenely rich. America has more millionaires and billionaires than any country in the world. The rich keep getting richer. And the poor keep getting poorer. The economic system is stacked in favor of the rich. So, it’s reasonable to help the nation's sagging economy and to help the poor and middle class by asking the rich to pay more taxes. Not a whole lot of more taxes. But a modest sum. Yet we have Republicans, especially the very conservative ones, opposed to any increase in taxes for the rich. Maybe because the rich have spent money to buy the favor of Republicans. That same money could be easily diverted to the right and proper use. Paying higher taxes. To serve the common good. Fact is, the rich will continue to get richer. Even if they pay higher taxes. Some of ‘em actually say they should be paying more taxes. Goes to show that one can be rich and still have a sense of decency. –Jim Broede

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