Friday, July 8, 2011

Give me a flexible life.

I like flexibility in my life. That’s why I take life one day at a time. I don’t wanna get ahead of myself. Oh, I have plans. For this summer. But those plans aren’t hard and fast. Because when one takes life one day at a time, circumstances change. One must be adaptable. Willing to change, too. Seems to me life is in constant motion. It’s never static. One is allowed to change plans. Even in a single day. From moment to moment. And I tell people around me. Be prepared for change. Change in my plans. Change in your plans. I’m leery of people who live by rigid rules, and a rigid schedule. They deny themselves flexibility. They want to know a month ahead of time what they’ll be doing next month. For me, that would be a gawd-awful way to live. I know people like that. They do things they don’t wanna do. Out of a sense of obligation. Because they had planned on doing it. And it would upset them to deviate from their plan. I advise them to deviate. Even if that inconveniences other people, such as the likes of me. Because we all must learn to be more flexible. It makes for a more relaxed and happier life. –Jim Broede

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