Thursday, July 28, 2011

I don't rule out the impossible.

I’m a natural born psychoanalyst. Or so I think. I’ve psychoanalyzed myself ever since I was a kid. Helped me to survive. And grasp meaning in life. I also tend to psychoanalyze the people around me. Whether they like it or not. Helps me understand what makes them tick. I certainly know what makes me tick. But I’m not so sure about others. I have my theories. My best guesses. Because I can see only deeply inside myself. I look at other people from outside. I’d like to think that they think a little like me. But maybe that’s not so. Take Republicans, for instance. Especially the very conservative ones. The lunatic fringe. Hard for me to fathom what makes them tick. Their thought seems so alien. So disturbed. So stupid. Maybe even insane. My guess is that the Norwegian that went on a killing spree last week would make a good Republican. He’d fit right in with the Republican crowd. And with many, many Christian fundamentalists. I wonder if these people ever try to psychoanalyze themselves. Or if they’re merely living life on automatic pilot. As robots. They don’t seem to be human. Maybe they are aliens. That have come to Earth from another planet. Another universe. Another dimension. I don’t rule out the impossible. –Jim Broede

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