Thursday, July 28, 2011

If not for things going awry.

So many times in my life, things have gone awry. In unplanned ways. And at the time, it seemed like a disaster. But years later, after reflection, it almost always takes on an aura of something wonderful. Because of the way I dealt with it. Missed a plane once. In Iceland. And so I had to reschedule. Lost money in the process. And ended up in a German city called Fredrickshafen, near the Swiss border. A place I didn’t wanna be. I was supposed to be in Cologne. And I was with my Italian true love. We were inconvenienced. Spent most of the night with each other on a park bench. And waiting for a train at 4 in the morning. On a platform in a desolate train station. Wishing that things were different. But now it all seems like a thrilling experience. Coping. Brought us closer together. We think of it as funny. And thrilling. And for me, it was romantic. Very romantic. An experience so memorable that I’ll never forget it. Our brief stay in Fredrickshafen. A city I might never have seen. Never have experienced. If not for things going awry. –Jim Broede

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