Sunday, July 17, 2011

If not suicidal.

I never cease to be amazed by people who don’t look for solutions to their problems. Instead, they just live with the problems. That especially goes for Alzheimer care-givers. They lament. Complain. Gripe. Vent. And keep on suffering. Flagellating themselves. Acting like martyrs. Maybe in hope of some day achieving sainthood. When really, they could find practical solutions. Such as putting their loved ones in nursing homes. And visiting on a daily basis. But still coming home daily for respite. Thereby taking care of themselves. And becoming better care-givers in the process. The point I wish to make is that an 8-10 hour a day care-giver is usually a better care-giver than a 24/7 care-giver. Because a full-time care-giver generally ends up exhausted. Mentally. Physically. Emotionally. Completely. I find it strange that some care-givers feel they have to go at it 24 hours a day. With no breaks. To me, that’s not dedication. It’s stupidity. An inability to recognize that such an unrelenting schedule is debilitating and self-defeating. If not suicidal. –Jim Broede

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