Saturday, July 16, 2011

I'm just letting Jack be.

People keep popping in and out of my life. Such as my son, Jack. He’s really my step-son. Didn’t see him for 10 years. Received only a word now and then. Then he shows up. On my doorstep. Unannounced. I don’t know what to make of it. Of course, it’s an opportunity to become reacquainted. I don’t know where I stand on family. Whether to make a big deal of family. Or not. Customarily, families are supposed to be close. Or so I’m told. But I never had a real tight closeness with my brother or my sister. We went our own ways. Independent beings. In different parts of the country. My father died when I was 13. I really never knew him. He was gone most of the time. As a traveling salesman. I was close to my mother. Throughout the years. She died at 88. Anyway, I have a step daughter, too. I’ve maintained cordial ties with her over the years. We are finely tuned to each other. But Jack has been more distant. He’s been out of touch with his sister. Even now. So maybe it’s a compliment that he’s looked me up. Nice that he initiated contact. That’s what I tell him he needs do. Be an initiator. To initiate contact with his sister, too. And with his children. But Jack tends to be distant. Independent. Goes his own way. Without much family contact. That’s his nature. I think it’s difficult for Jack to handle a whole lot of human relationships. He can only handle a limited amount. With a hand-picked few. Maybe because people want to change Jack. Shape him up. Make him something that he isn’t. That won’t work. One has to let Jack be Jack. And for family members, that ain’t easy. I tried to steer Jack in certain directions when he was growing up. But I wouldn’t do that today. Instead, I accept Jack as he is. Maybe he knows that. Maybe that’s why he’s come by. And has decided to stay for a while. How long, I don’t know. Maybe as long as I don’t try to change him. So I’m just letting Jack be. –Jim Broede

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