Sunday, July 31, 2011

Imagine that. A god-given blessing.

I amaze myself. At the number of people I don’t need in my life. Far more than I do. What does that say about me? I can easily get by with one, two or three friends. Or even no one for short periods. Of course, I usually find that one true love is sufficient. That’s enough to make me happy. And for me to feel alive. And fulfilled. But seems to me there were short periods in my life when I didn’t need anyone. Guess that qualified me as a loner. I’m able to turn inward. Into a spiritual realm. Able to live with myself. And nature. And the spirits. Many people don’t believe in spirits. But I do. In that sense, it means that I’m never alone. I can always summon a spirit. Maybe even god himself. The non-believers suggest that all of this is a figment of my imagination. And if it is, that’s all right. Because I have a very vivid imagination. It’s maybe my best asset. My imagination is as real as real can be. Makes me a creator. I presume that’s what god intended. To make us all imaginative beings. But some of us choose not to imagine anything. Which is a pity. To neglect a god-given blessing. –Jim Broede

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