Friday, July 1, 2011

Maybe there is a forever.

People flit in and out of my life. Seems like nobody is there forever. Maybe for a long time. But not forever. Or maybe I’m fooling myself. They are there forever. Only that I relegate them to lesser roles. Or maybe it’s that they relegate me. Write me off. Or just plain disappear. Vanish. I don’t know. Maybe it’s just that I remove them from my conscious thought. I might even forget their names. Really, there’s so very much occurring in life. I can’t keep track of it all. Things happen to me. Around me. And I ignore much of it. Maybe because it doesn’t seem significant. I pick and choose what’s significant. My mother. My father. They are both gone. And present. Used to be I could have direct conversations with ‘em. But still, I ignored many opportunities. And I can only imagine what they’d have to say now. Because they are spirits. But then, maybe I can talk to spirits in more meaningful ways than if they were physically here. Really, I should not place limits on communication. On the possibilities. Maybe there is a forever. –Jim Broede

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