Saturday, July 30, 2011

Redeeming stuff in everything.

I lead an interesting life. Believe me. Often not knowing what's gonna happen next. Weird stuff. The unexpected. Such as me renewing acquaintances this summer with my long-lost son Jack. Hadn't seen him in 10 years. Of course, all this could be at some peril to my sanity. Anyway, it’s another example of life taking unusual twists and turns. Maybe more often than not. One has to adjust. As I do. On a daily basis. But still, it all seems to turn out for the best. Or at least, reasonably well. Because I adapt. And solve problems along the way. And I’m able to give a romantic twist to much of what happens. Unexpectedly, and otherwise. Life ain’t so bad, I guess. Especially when I have an Italian true love in my life. I’m able to chronicle the story of my life. And give it the flavor that I want. That I crave. By how I interpret events and happenings. I have great flexibility. I’m able to find redeeming stuff. In almost everything. --Jim Broede

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