Friday, July 22, 2011

So can everyone.

People I know tell me they are okay. But I’m not so sure. I’m not quite buying it. I want them to be more upbeat. That’s not an order. Just a wish. When something goes bad in life, such as the death of a loved one, it’s time to start focusing life on other things. There’s still life. Our loved one wasn’t ever our everything. Only most of everything. One is essentially alone now. Able to move on. To other things. Other ways. Other endeavors. One must give a loved one who’s dying as much love as one can. Even the Alzheimer patient that seems out of it. But there’s only so much one can do. So start taking care of one’s self, I tell the care-givers. In better ways. Indulge one’s self a bit. Do nice things for one’s self. Treat one’s self like a decent human being. Maybe even like royalty. Don’t be glum. Get on with life. In the pursuit of something. Life ain’t over. If an old man like me can do it, so can everyone. –Jim Broede

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