Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What will happen, will happen.

Yes, I should take life one day at a time. I know it. I like quick resolutions. Especially to what I perceive to be festering problems. For me. For others. But seldom are there quick resolutions. And maybe that annoys me. I see solutions. But I have to let people around me grapple. I prefer the quick fix. It could be on little personal matters. Or it could be in huge national and international issues. Over which I have virtually no control. Thing is that often I have no control over the little things over which I think I have control. When I really don't. I fool myself every day. The scary thing is that maybe I have no control over anything. Life just occurs. Happens. And I have to go along with everything. Like I am carried in a flow. A flow of life. And I'm compelled to let it happen. And accept it. What will happen, will happen. And I have no say in the matter. As if my life is a book already written. And I have to let it play out. Accept the good. And the bad. And just be thankful that there's more good than bad. --Jim Broede

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