Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The making of a good society.

I’m for government. Relatively big government. I’m for private enterprise, too. A nice blending of the private and public sectors. Don’t understand why some people want less government. Especially here in America. After all, our government provides vital services. And in economical ways, too. Because government isn’t required to make a profit. Of course, I don’t like corrupt anything, in government or private business. To hear some Republicans talk, one would think that government is inherently bad. I don’t buy that nonsense. Seems to me that government was created to serve the common good. And when government is at its best, that’s exactly what it does. Helps the less fortunate of citizens get by. The poor. The downtrodden. Even the middle class. In the ideal society, one shouldn’t have to be rich to have the basics. Good health care. Good education. Social security. Nice parks. Good transportation. Good infrastructure. Yes, the good life. Seems to me these are the primary responsibilities of government. Good government makes for a good society. –Jim Broede

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