Wednesday, July 13, 2011

With America leading the parade.

I probably would not qualify as a loyal American. At least not by Republican standards. Because I would not put my country above all else. There are many, many things more important than my country. Such as human decency. Sometimes, my country does not act very decently. Far too often. Just look at our politicians. Can’t find a more indecent bunch than that. Sure, there are some decent ones mixed in. But on the whole, the state of our politics is horrid. And tell me what’s been decent about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? And what was decent about the George Bush presidency? And tell me, what’s decent about the American capitalist system? I’d much rather have a socialist system. Including socialized medicine. That would be decent. Because it’d serve the common good. Fact of the matter is that I’m not all that supportive of American ways. Or for that matter, of many worldly ways. In some respects, I think the world has gone to hell. With America leading the parade. –Jim Broede

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