Monday, August 1, 2011

Can't be all things to all the people.

A woman that posts regularly on the Alzheimer’s message board is trying to be all things to all people. Taking special care of her Alzheimer mother. And trying to keep her marriage intact at the same time. She’s pulled betwixt and between. Anyway, the husband has had enough of it. He’s walked out. Can’t stand the stress, I guess. Or maybe he wants more attention from his overburdened wife. So he’s gone. And the wife has posted. Asking other care-givers to pray that her husband returns. She still loves him. Yes, she’s faced with a dilemma. What to do. She’s not about to put mother in a nursing home. Though some care-givers would do that. If it meant saving a marriage. Well, somebody is gonna have to compromise. Maybe the husband. But I doubt that he’s in the mood to compromise. Could be the end of the marriage. Anyway, it’s a hard choice. For everyone. The woman may have to decide between her mother and her husband. When I was a care-giver to my dear wife Jeanne, my mother needed me, too. I had to make a choice. I couldn’t serve both. I chose Jeanne. Knowing that I can’t be all things to all the people in my life. –Jim Broede.

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