Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Not only mindless. Heartless, too.

I should know better. And just kept my mouth shut. Instead, I told a Republican acquaintance that my 52-year-old son gets $200 in food stamps every month. Because he’s out of work. The Republican thought that was a crime. That my son was milking the welfare system. That he could get a job if he really wanted to. And besides, he has family to help him. That’s what families are supposed to be for. And the Republican became more annoyed when learning that my son ate steak twice a week. Yes, that my son was living ‘extravagantly’ on the public dole. “It’s because of liberals like you,” he said. The Republican, who has plenty of money, said he objects to paying taxes for food stamps and other ‘socialist’ programs. I decided not to argue with the Republican. Wouldn’t do any good. It’d be wasted time. Wasted effort. Makes me wonder if Republicans are not only mindless. But heartless, too. –Jim Broede

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