Saturday, August 6, 2011

Finding my way out of a maze.

When I was a youth, I didn’t know how to savor life. The longer I live, the more I learn. To really appreciate life. By taking life one day at a time. By making the most of each day. Each moment. Often, I have no set plan. No agenda. I just let things happen. Naturally. I don’t mind being surprised. Especially pleasantly surprised. Another thing I’ve learned. To become conscious. Observant. Curious. I remind myself daily. That I’m very much alive. Aware. And that I’m me. Some days I can hardly believe I’m me. But here I am. Creating stuff. Even thought. Imagine that. Being able to think. And reason. To find my way out of a maze of confusion. And give life meaning. My own meaning. –Jim Broede

1 comment:

Dandylion said...

Jim - I'm glad to see you're still sharing your thoughts. Your perspective is beautiful. I'm learning how to savor life. To honor my purpose. To honor the blessing of my life and all that has touched it. Including you.