Sunday, August 28, 2011

For the sake of human decency.

Americans have an opportunity to obtain good government. If they elected people like me. Not me. But like me. Because I don't wanna hold public office. I have better things to do. But if people like me got elected, they'd bring about a good blend of heavily regulated capitalism and socialism. It'd work. Wonderfully. Because then government would be designed to serve the common good. Unfortunately, American style government was designed right from the start to serve the elite. The few. Mainly people with money and privilege. Others were treated like scum. Such as the working class. And Africans. Foisted into slavery. In order to benefit the ruling class. The over-riding theme was for the few to exploit the many. Just the opposite of serving the common good. And that theme has been carried out throughout the nation's history. Right up to today. And it's gotta change. For the sake of human decency. --Jim Broede

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