Sunday, August 28, 2011

Time to face the truth.

It's time to recognize that many of our nation's founders weren't very decent people. They shouldn't be revered. They were hypocrites. They publicly proclaimed that all men are created equal. But they didn't believe it for a minute. Because they relegated black men into slavery. And even white men weren't deemed equal. The poor and downtrodden weren't given the same equal voice as rich white men. And please notice that women were given inferior status. From the beginning. Wasn't until around 1920 that they got the right to vote. And even today women are discriminated against in the work force. And exploited. Just like Thomas Jefferson exploited Sally Hemmings, his black slave. The founders were mostly Christians. In name only. Because they didn't come close to practicing Christian principles. Maybe that's why America is still a nation that doesn't practice what it preaches. Because it got off to a bad start. Time we Americans recognized the truth. That would be a good start. --Jim Broede

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