Sunday, August 28, 2011

Unleashed in my dreams.

I had a series of angry dreams last night. Strange, isn't it? Because I pride myself in never becoming angry any more. I must have been dreaming of past angers. Because I remember in one of the dreams, I was driving an Oldsmobile Delta 88. A car that I had 10 years ago. Anyway, I'd wake from one dream. Then go back to sleep. And have another dream. And still another after that. I can't fully remember the details of each dream. Only that I felt anger. So finally I decided to get up and stay awake for a while. Hoping that I could break the chain of bad dreams. That worked. Later, I went back to bed again. And slept peacefully. But today, I'm wondering. If the dreams were significant. If I was being told something. Maybe telling myself something. But then, maybe dreams are just dreams. Meaningless. I know one thing. I practice not being angry. I'm good at it. But maybe I have repressed anger. Unleashed in my dreams. --Jim Broede

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