Sunday, August 28, 2011

All I need is a loving thought.

I make it a point to write about something every day. Doesn't have to be an event or happening. Merely a thought. Something on my mind. Makes me aware that I'm alive. And conscious. And able to prove it. With words. Meaningful. At least to me. If I miss a day of writing, I begin to wonder if I missed the whole day. And passed through it unconsciously. That's a frightening thought. Because I hate to waste a day. Without a solid recorded thought. I suppose the most predominate thought in recent years has been my personal observation that I'm in love. Yes, truly in love. And that adds a wondrous dimension to my aliveness. Of course, I don't have to be in love to be consciously alive. But it helps. Thing is, I don't have to be in love with someone to be in love. I can still be in love with life, period. Love can be felt in an infinite number of ways. And so it amazes me when I stumble across people who declare that they aren't in love. With anybody or anything. That's hard to do. Because it's self-denial. One has to wear blinders. And block out so many things. All I need is one loving thought. And I'm off to the races. --Jim Broede

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