Sunday, August 28, 2011

Life came with the pulse beat of love.

So many ways to feel alive. Mentally. Emotionally. Physically. Combine the three, positively, and it makes for a good life. A good feeling. But I gotta admit, that some days I'm more alive physically than mentally. And vice verse. Which is all right. One can't be clicking on all cylinders all the time. One out of two or three ain't bad. But I find that I tend to get my act totally together when I'm in love. That's the secret of success. Love. I was a slow learner. Didn't really fall in love with anyone until I was about 30. And I've been blooming ever since. Which means that if I had died before 30, I might never have truly lived. Yes, it takes time to learn how to become alive. I wasn't born the moment I was conceived, or when I got pulled from the womb. It wasn't until I felt the pulse beat of love. --Jim Broede

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