Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I've been insubordinate.

I’m trying to negotiate with the baseball god. To demonstrate that I don’t want everything. For instance, I have suggested that I can settle for a split of the Cubs current four-game series with the Atlanta Braves. If the Cubs win only two, I’ll be happy. I figure that if I ask the baseball god for a sweep by the Cubs, he’ll think I’m asking for too much. That I’m greedy. And he may counter by allowing Atlanta to win ‘em all. That would make me sad. Yes, I’d be elated if the Cubs surprised the baseball world. And went on a long winning streak. But I know full well that the baseball god doesn’t want me to be spoiled. Maybe even wants me to grovel a bit. And suffer. Because the baseball god may be a little mean-spirited. Especially when it comes to dealing with Cubs fans. He tells me he has to take into consideration the wishes of the Atlanta fans. And that I should have compassion for them. So I remind the baseball god that Atlanta has won something like 14 division titles in the last 15 years. And the Cubs hardly win anything. And what response do I get? The baseball god tells me that patience is a virtue. And I retort that’s bullshit. Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut. Won’t surprise me if the Cubs go on a long, long losing streak. Maybe the baseball god is vengeful and wants to teach me a lesson. For being insubordinate. –Jim Broede

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