Monday, August 15, 2011

I might wave goodbye.

As an American, I deserve a better political climate than I’m getting. And I’m hoping that other Americans feel the same way. I’m downright disgusted with the state of our politics. On both sides of the aisle. But mostly, it’s the intransigence of Republicans, especially those on the far right, that have me seriously considering moving to another country. Yes, leaving America, my homeland. Sad, isn’t it? Fortunately, I have the opportunity to move. To another country. For most other Americans, that probably would be impractical. Even if they wanted to go. My attitude may be sharply influenced by the outcome of the 2012 elections. If the likes of a Michele Bachmann or a Rick Perry carry the day, I want out. I don’t want to live in a country that moves that far to the right. And I’m sure that Bachmann or Perry would say good riddance. They might even buy me a one-way ticket out of America. –Jim Broede

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