Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I'm open. Revealing. Even naked.

I have no secrets. Doesn’t mean that I tell everything. But doesn’t mean that I intentionally hide anything. I try to live life in an open manner. Sort of like going naked. Oh, sure, I wear clothes. Because it’s comfortable. And the decent think to do. In order to fit in. I don’t bare my whole being. Because I don’t feel like it. But I have no qualms about opening up. Under the right circumstances. Because I basically believe in the truth. My truth. Which may not necessarily be other people’s truth. I generally don’t like to fake it. But I do. For convenience sake. And often to be funny. Yes, I have the ability to be an actor. On the stage of life. That doesn’t make me dishonest. It merely makes me an actor. I’m playing a role. See, I often think of myself as being in a play. Or a storybook. In a novel. I have a vivid imagination. And it would be a waste not to use it. I’m quite aware of who and what I am. No denying it. A romantic idealist. A spiritual free-thinker. A political liberal. A lover, especially of life. No sense in keeping any of that stuff secret. Because if I did, my acquaintances might try to define me. I reserve the right to define myself. And to proclaim it publicly. In speech. In writing. Whenever I feel like it. You gotta admit, I’m pretty open. And revealing. Yes, even naked. –Jim Broede

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