Saturday, August 13, 2011

In defense of socialism.

People are more free in a socialist society than in a capitalist society, it seems to me. Because socialist programs tend to provide everybody with the basics, such as a decent education, health care and affordable housing. If one has the basics, it’s easier pursuing a reasonably happy life. One doesn’t necessarily need much else to navigate. Then maybe the emphasis can be on family and friends and relatively leisure pursuits. Poor people can’t do that. Especially in a capitalist society. They are often relegated to horrid living conditions. While the rich bask in luxury. Nothing against luxurious living. But I’d like to see far less poverty than we have in the USA. Let’s do a better job of narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor. With socialist programs. Such as single-payer socialized medicine, which can be found in virtually every industrialized society. America being the glaring exception. Anyway, I come close to having the basics. Because I’ve lived long enough to retire. With a pension. With social security. With Medicare. Yes, all of these are socialist programs. But we have far too little socialism and far too much capitalism. Unfortunately, many Americans have been brainwashed. Negatively. To think that ‘socialism’ is bad. Without really understanding what it’s all about. Socialism is meant to serve the common good. To serve everyone’s needs. Rather than merely the special interests that generally benefit from capitalism. –Jim Broede

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