Monday, August 8, 2011

An odd kind of Catholic.

I think it’s possible for me to jinx my Chicago Cubs baseball team. By not showing faith during a game. By constantly checking the score. Instead, the Cubs are more likely to win if I just wait it out. Wait until the game is safely over. Maybe even the next day. In other words, remain a bit aloof. Detached. I suspect that if there’s a god, he wants me to practice faith. Faith in the likelihood that everything will turn out all right. To not constantly worry that something will go wrong. Such as thinking that some how, some way, the Cubs will find a way to lose the game. That’s an example of lack of faith. And for this lacking, god is gonna punish me. And see to it that the Cubs lose. My true love tells me that makes me superstitious. But I tell her that makes me Catholic. Though I’m not Catholic. And she is. But sometimes I suspect that I’m more Catholic than she. Odd, isn’t it? –Jim Broede

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