Friday, August 5, 2011

On becoming decent human beings.

I’d like to shake up the world. By experimenting. With different political, economic and social systems. To find ways that work better than our traditional ways. Seems to me that the world is stuck in ruts. We aren’t innovative enough. We hold on to systems that really don’t work. Like American politics. And American capitalism. We keep doing the same things, making the same mistakes, over and over again. Because that’s the way it’s done. Look at Congress. And the gawd-forsaken two-party system. It’s awful. But we don’t change. We don’t make it better. Even when the world is falling apart. Capitalism doesn’t work. It has so very many faults. But we keep saying there’s no better system. Hell, there’s gotta be something a whole lot better. Let’s scrap what we are doing. And start all over. We can design something far better. If only we put our minds to it. And get ourselves out of the ruts. Maybe some of these systems worked when we only had a few million people on Earth. Now it’s billions and billions. We have to find better ways of serving the common good. We need to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor. We can’t go on like this and still have a decent society. We need major change. We need to recreate human beings. Change our essence. To something far more palatable. Oh, we can do so much better. We could become decent human beings. For a change. –Jim Broede

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