Thursday, August 4, 2011

Beats the rich getting richer.

Seems to me we’d be all right as a society if people were not allowed to hoard money. Instead, they should be required to put excess money to practical use. To benefit society. To benefit the economy. Now rich people have far more money than they could use in multiple lifetimes. So let’s redistribute the wealth. Maybe by using much of it to create jobs. So everybody can work. And earn decent pay. To spend. That’ll help the economy. Thing is there’s plenty of wealth in the USA. Problem is that it’s concentrated in relatively few hands. By people who need only a small fraction of what they possess. Yes, they hoard big fortunes. Fortunes they’ll never be able to take with them. Even if there’s an afterlife. So let’s spread the wealth. Get it working for the common good. For the benefit of society. Sure beats allowing the rich to get richer while the poor get poorer. –Jim Broede

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