Monday, September 19, 2011

Americans are stupid. Very stupid.

Seems to me that we Americans went generation after generation without seriously questioning the way we treated black people. We denied them basic human rights. Even after the Civil War. Even today in some more subtle ways. And I'm not merely talking about the ruling elite. The rich and powerful. But white poor people. And the white middle class. We all mistreated blacks. Put them into slavery for long periods of time. We really didn't even consider them one of us. But inferior people. Equivalent to only three-fifths of a white being. But we white Americans have also mistreated ourselves. We long denied women their rights. Even our mothers. And our sisters. We've made things somewhat better. But we still have a long way to go. Look at the way we treat the poor and the middle class. We give the rich preferential treatment. Make them more elite and powerful than the rest of us. We accept inequality as the American way. Always have. Maybe always will. That's why we keep electing Republicans. The party of the rich. Even the poor and the middle class often vote for Republicans. As if we deserve second class status. Sometimes, it makes me think that we hate ourselves. Maybe it's that we poor and middle class covet being monetarily rich. So we tell ourselves to become Republicans. Supportive of inequality. Yes, we Americans are stupid. Very stupid. --Jim Broede

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