Sunday, September 18, 2011

A decent war for a change.

The Republicans are accusing Barack Obama of class warfare. When he calls for tax increases for millionaires. But it's Republicans that started class warfare. Long ago. By promoting policies that make the poor and the middle class poorer. By widening the gap between the rich and the poor. By giving tax breaks to millionaires and oil companies and big corporations. Well, I'm for full-scale class warfare. Let's start acting like Robin Hood. By taking from the rich. And giving to the poor. That's the kind of war I want. Sure beats obscene wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Class warfare aimed at the rich and their Republican cronies is exactly what we need in America. A decent war for a change. The filthy rich may have more money than the rest of us. But we have numbers on our side. Legions of poor and middle class can win this war. And take charge of the government. Yes, let's declare class warfare. Let's serve the common good. --Jim Broede

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