Friday, September 16, 2011

Far away from the political scene.

I have so very many blessings. Not the least being the opportunity to live in Sardinia much of the year with my Italian true love. And getting away from the USA. Yes, another blessing. Because when I return, maybe I'll have a fresh perspective. And I'll be able ask myself, did I really miss America? And if so, what was it that I missed most? And would I prefer living in Sardinia full-time? I've reached a tentative conclusion. After spending last winter in Sardinia. It'd be nice if I could live half a year in Sardinia and half a year in Minnesota. That's my goal. Anyway, I'm packing my bags now. So I can fly to Sardinia. In about two weeks. Not to return to Minnesota until mid-February. Because I owe it to myself to experience a few weeks of Minnesota winter. To toughen me up. To prove I'm not a sissy. I have another underlying motive. I want to flee to Arizona for the month of March. So I can take spring training with my Chicago Cubs. Meanwhile, I have to admit there's much about America I don't like. The political climate, for instance. But there's not much I can do about it. Other than to forget about it while I'm in Sardinia. Instead, I'll walk along some of Sardinia's many beaches on the Mediterranean Sea. Convinced that I'm in Paradise. Far away from the hellish American political scene. --Jim Broede

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