Monday, September 12, 2011

Italians sound soothing & romantic.

My true love thinks Italian politics are worse than American politics. But I find it easier accepting the Italian way than the American way. Maybe that's because I don't speak or understand much Italian. So when I'm in Italy (from Oct. 1 to Feb. 10) much of what is being said on Italian TV and radio and in the newspapers will go over by head. Just as well, I guess. I tell my true love that she should be more appreciative of Italy's prime minister Silvio Berlusconi. Because he's a full-fledged buffoon. Good for laughs. But she counters that he does grievous harm to Italians. With idiotic policies. But I tell her that's the nature of politics. To ignore the common good, and to do grievous harm. I keep reminding her that as long as we have each other, Berlusconi is immaterial. A mere gnat. Good for laughs. And besides, I like living in Italy. Because I'm sort of hidden away from the constant barrage of American political babble. Another thing. When I hear babble from Italian politicians, it sounds soothing and romantic. That's the nature of the Italian language. It sounds good. Even when I don't understand the words. --Jim Broede

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