Saturday, September 17, 2011

Maybe I'll find a new homeland.

I don't have much faith in my fellow Americans doing the right thing. Politically. Economically. Socially. Because most of 'em are too busy doing their own thing. Just surviving. They don't care much about political, economic and social issues. Oh, they'll go to the polls and cast their votes. For this or that candidate. Because they think that's what Americans are supposed to do. But they hardly ever know what they are voting for. Often, they vote against their own best interests. They are ignorant. They are influenced by sound bites. Without understanding what's being said. They even believe the crap/bullshit dished out by Republicans. That a vote for a Republican is the patriotic thing to do. And that everything that's wrong about the country is Obama's fault. Because he's a socialist/communist. And because he doesn't have a legitimate birth certificate. I'm not kidding. Polls show that significant numbers of Americans believe this stuff. Maybe it's a sign that our education system has failed. Or it could be that many Americans are idiots, imbeciles and morons with severe learning disabilities. I don't know what to do about it. Anyway, it's not gonna be my worry. In two weeks, I'll be leaving for Sardinia. And staying through winter. I've been there before. I like the place. And I like the people. I'm impressed. My true love lives there, too. Who knows? Maybe Sardinia will be my future homeland. --Jim Broede

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