Thursday, September 15, 2011

The way our founders wanted it.

If Obama decided not to seek a second term, it would revitalize the Democrats. And stir the imagination of Americans. Opening the door to liberals. Maybe to Hillary Clinton. A moderate. That might pull the nation together. And make a sham of all those lunatic fringe Republicans. From Rick Perry to Michele Bachmann. Yes, a moment to restore sanity to the American political system. It would be like a gift from the gods. Make for a sensible discussion of the issues. Rather than the blatant bigotry we are seeing now because a black man sits in the White House. Republicans are not ready for a black man. Proving that America is still racist at the core. Republicans see maddening red when they see black. That ain't right. But that's the way it is. If it's a white Democrat perched in the White House, the Republicans will come around. They'll compromise. For the sake of the nation. Just as long as it's not a black man at the titular head of the country. Just the way our bigoted founders wanted it. --Jim Broede

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