Thursday, October 20, 2011

A choice between life & death.

I'm gonna buy my Italian true love a stationary bicycle. So that she can exercise indoors. Conveniently. Maybe when she's watching TV. Seems to me that exercise today has to be made convenient. A multi-tasked activity. Otherwise it doesn't get done. So one might as well pedal a bicycle while watching a soap opera or a sporting event. Personally, I prefer a real bicycle outdoors or a jogging path in a wooded park. This artificial indoor stuff doesn't inspire me. But so many people claim they have too much to do. And something has to give. And too often, it's exercise that gets sacrificed. That's a big mistake. Especially in today's highly stressed environment. One needs to work off the tension. With sustained aerobic exercise. If I were the CEO of a big corporation, I'd install stationary bicycles at the conference tables. I'd require everyone to pedal away as we discussed corporate matters. I'd want all of my directors and managers to be in tip-top physical condition. In my opinion, that also leads to good mental health. Yes, there's a possibility that some corporate leaders may drop dead from my exercise regimen. But that would be the risk of working for me. A choice between life and death. --Jim Broede

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