Saturday, October 22, 2011

Don't worry. Have a blast.

People tell me they are tired merely because they are sleepy. Often, I don't buy that. Because when I'm sleepy, it's usually a sign that I'm relaxed. Very relaxed. Enough to go to sleep. I feel mellow rather than tired. I'm really better off doing something stimulating. Such as jogging or bicycling. Working out. Odd as it may seem, some people think they're always tired. That there's something chronically wrong with 'em. Physically. They worry about it. Enough to go to bed. When really they aren't all that tired. In fact, they suffer from insomnia. Because they work themselves into a dither. When really they were more relaxed than they imagined. But not for long. Because they pulled the worry trigger. I suggest that they quit worrying. And go out and live life to the fullest. Don't worry. Have a blast. --Jim Broede

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