Friday, October 21, 2011

I feel good.

I'm a believer in mind over matter. I can pretty much control my physical being with my mind. Doctors call it biofeedback. I can will away tensions. Lower my blood pressure by thinking soothing and pleasurable and relaxing thoughts. Not let things bother me. Mentally. I develop a thick skin. Events occur every day over which I have absolutely no control. Bad things. I can't prevent 'em. So I learn mental acceptance. And not let stuff affect me in negative ways. I've not mastered self-control 100 percent. Never will. Impossible. But I have a handle on most of it. Especially when I'm in love. And I'm in love. Because I wanna be. And I need to be. That's part of being a romantic idealist. I also live one day at a time. The easiest and most natural way to live. I don't get ahead of myself. Savor what I have at the moment. A good life. Don't worry that it all may end tomorrow or next week or next year. Instead, I live today as if it's forever. Some people tell me I'm crazy. Indeed, that's a possibility. Doesn't frighten me. Because I feel good. About myself. About my Italian true love. About life. --Jim Broede

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