Saturday, October 29, 2011

The right balance of narcissism.

I see nothing wrong with being narcissistic. To some degree. To be involved with one's self. With I. It's one way of getting to know one's self. Thyself. I suspect some people aren't narcissistic enough. They don't probe their depths. They don't understand what makes them tick. They are too consumed by trivialities happening around them. Rather than living inside themselves. And if one tries to reach 'em, they are conveniently turned off. Maybe because they are narccissistic in negative ways. Rather than in positive and well-balanced ways. They don't want to understand themselves. Maybe because that would be too frightening. They might even hate themselves. But they don't see it. Don't grasp it. Because they don't face reality. And they are the very ones that accuse others of being too narcissistic. Ironic, isn't it? I try to get 'em to talk about themselves the way I talk about myself. In self-analytical ways. To face the hard and brutal truths -- about themselves. Recognition and acceptance of these imperfections could open their minds to all sorts of possibilities. They can learn to be what they are or move in other directions. Some of 'em may even evolve and live life in a constant state of flux. Which can be thrilling. With just the right balance of narcissism. --Jim Broede

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