Tuesday, October 25, 2011

To experience life on Mars.

In the distant future, I wanna go to Mars. For a day or so. Not by a space ship as we know it. Because that would take too long. Maybe six months or a year. But if it could all be accomplished in a day, give me a ticket. One day on Mars would be fantastic. It'd make my day. My dream may be possible in a few thousand years. By then we'll have the technology to travel fast. Not at the speed of light. But mighty fast. The ancient Greeks, I presume, never dreamed that one could travel from Minnesota to Sardinia in 10 hours. Or to make a quick round trip to the moon. So, why not from Earth to Mars in a single day? Anyway, I have a feeling that I lived before. In ancient Greece. And I'm living now. Maybe I'll live again and again and again. To be able to experience life on Mars. Sooner or later. --Jim Broede

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