Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The best drug ever invented.

I take deep breaths. Let them out slowly. A nice way to relax. I can breathe comfortably by taking two or three breaths a minute. Of course, I don't do that all the time. Only when I want to focus on relaxing and breathing slowly. Puts me into a nice rhythm. A neat frame of mind. Many nervous people hyperventilate. They breath fast. And erratically. As if they are gasping for breath. I can't dance. But I have a rhythm in the way I breathe. And the way I think. And maybe even in the way I write. And live. It's my rhythm. And to others it may not seem like a rhythm. But I march to my own drummer. I don't let others tell me how to think or to live or to breathe. I do it my way. But I try not to foist my way on others. Some think I'm abrasive. Because I express my opinions and my ways even when they aren't solicited. I'm willing to listen to other opinions. Even stupid ones. And I let that be known. That rubs some people the wrong way. But one thing about me. I'm accommodating. And reasonably courteous. But I also try to be honest. Some people don't like honesty. They prefer lies. I'm not totally against lying. Lying can be a best alernative. And convenient. And kind. Example: Telling a friend that he looks good. Even when he doesn't. Because he's sick. A lot of sickness is in the head. Psychosomatic. All one needs to feel better is a placebo. Or a lying compliment. The placebo may be the best medicine/drug ever invented. --Jim Broede

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