Saturday, November 5, 2011

He could pass as a Brit.

A young man. With two tongues. Fluent Italian. Fluent English. He's a Sardinian. But I mistook him for a Brit. Because he spoke perfect English. 'Are you English?' I inquired. 'No,' he said. 'Why do you ask?' I told him that I'm an American and to me his accent sounds British. Certainly not Italian. He took that as a compliment. As well he should. He was a greeter at a natural monument of the Sardinian region. It's a huge granite rock shaped over the years into the form of a bear. From the top of a hill 122 meters above sea level, one catches a stunning view of a bay in the Mediterranean Sea. And I learned all about it. With my own eyes. And with the help of a Sardinian who could pass as a Brit. --Jim Broede

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