Monday, November 28, 2011

I often see life in words.

I'm off to Rome on Wednesday. With my Italian true love, of course. She has busines to take care of in Rome. And between the business, we'll spend the bulk of five days doing as we please. With each other. She's big on museums. No matter where we go. Whether it be in big historic cities or little rural towns. As for me, my favorrite pastime is observing people. Not the least being an observer of my true love. In Italian settings. I take her photo often. With my digital camera. In a vareity of settings. Usually her back. Because she's uncooperative when it comes to posing for photos. And I don't blame her. I don't like to pose either. And often, I keep camera in pocket. Because I get far more reward from merely 'photographing' what I see in my mind. My memory. It's more vivid that way. More focused. More etched in the soul. Also, I'd rather write about what I see and experience. Putting my 'pictures' into words. I often see life in/through words. --Jim Broede

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