Monday, November 28, 2011

I'm used to people acting nuts.

It's a phenomenon that I've noticed in recent years. When walking. Someone from a passing car will scream out the window. I don't know why they do it. Maybe to scare me. Personally, I think it's funny. Happens maybe once every two or three weeks. I do lots of walking. Daily. So I get around. I thought maybe it was something peculiar to my locale in Minnesota. But I'm surprised to find it also going on in Sardinia, where I'm living now. So maybe this is a worldwide thing. Mostly by youth. Teen-agers. Maybe they're a bit daffy. The other day several teenagers walked abreast toward me, on the sidewalk, and as they passed, one of 'em screamed. No words. Just screamed. Loud. I didn't even look back. I've learned to ignore it. Because I'm used to people acting nuts. Makes me wonder what's gonna be the next craze. --Jim Broede

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