Saturday, November 26, 2011

I wanna nurture the spirit.

Strange thing. Every day when I'm walking I see a parked car. With a message plastered in big bold letters. On both sides of the vehicle. Proclaiming, 'Believe in your body.' Strange. Because it's printed in English. And hardly anyone speaks English here. Because I'm in the city of Carbonia. In Sardinia. These are Italians. They speak Italian. So I wonder what's going on. In smaller letters, I discover that it's a promotion for a detox program. To get alcoholics and drug users to come in for detox. To cleanse their bodies. Probably a program developed in America. And exported to Italy. Better be that the people running the program here speak Italian. I've done some googling. To research some of these detox programs. Detox options for humans range from natural cleansing of your body to structured medical programs for substance abuse to alternative choices. There are diet detox programs to lose weight. There are many alternative methods available to detox your colon and other organs. However, there is no scientific proof that cleansing or weight loss detox programs are needed. Another form of detox is drug detox, to help people with drug and alcohol addictions. I'm inclined to believe in my mind. More than my body. Sort of mind over matter. If one can think positively and mindfully, maybe it has a detoxing effect on one's physical being. I wanna nurture the spirit, first and foremost. Because in the end, that's the only thing that lasts. Hopefully, forever. --Jim Broede

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