Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Is it too late to save America?

A national effort. Even bigger than World War II. That's what America needs. Everybody pitching in to revitalize the economy. To save America. The poor. The middle class. The rich. Everyone. The young. The old. The middle-aged. Even the infirm. Nobody is exempted. We all make sacrifices. But we aren't gonna get it. Because we Americans have lost a zest for life. For getting things done. We dilly-dally. We feud among ourselves. We become defeatists. And Republicans. And Democrats. Pulling against each other. We aren't true Americans any more. We are despicible people. That includes me. I've fled America. For another part of the world. Italy. Sardinia. An island retreat in the Mediterranean Sea. Because I can't stand living in America any more. Because we Americans hate each other. We don't solve our problems any more. We don't work together. We don't make all-out sacrifices to save our nation. We could do it. If only we had the resolve. The gumption. The fortitude. We could rebuild and revitalize America. But we're all giving up. Writing off America. Throwing in the towel. Makes me wonder if it's too late to save America. --Jim Broede

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