Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My forever. As long as it lasts.

I don't like the way the world is being run. But I don't know what to do about it. When I was younger, I thought I could change it all. By becoming involved. Taking an active part in my community. In politics. In life. Maybe that was a waste of time. In that I didn't really change anything. Other than myself. And maybe that's all one can really do. Change one's self. To learn to accept what one can't change. The system, for instance. The way politic is played. Change will come. Some day. Some way. But it's like watching the tide come in. One must show patience. And wait for the natural flow. Or waiting for a season to change. Summer comes. Summer goes. Civilizations flourish. Then decline. One lives. One dies. One has only a small fraction of time. An instant. A flash. I'm trying to make the best of it. Because it's my forever. As long as it lasts. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Just exhibit Love said...


I so Loved your words of wisdom written here..I thank you for them..

may you enjoy the time you have been given..Love Rosie