Monday, November 7, 2011

My true love draws the line.

I'm dressing mostly Italian-style in Italy. I wear Italian-made sweaters and shoes. Pretty nifty stuff. But I also look like a vagabond at times. To the embarrassment of my Italian true love. For instance, she doesn't want to be seen with me when I dress to go out in a thunderstorm. I wear baggy rainproof pants and a rainproof pullover shirt that doesn't match with the pants. They don't look very stylish. And it detracts from my image as an Italian gentleman. My true love also cringes and stays a few steps back from me when I walk down the street wearing a headband. She thinks that's gauche. No self-respecting Sardinian would be seen with a headband, I've been told. But believe me, I've seen them wearing stocking caps. And in my mind, that ain't any worse than a headband. In fact, a headband is better. Because it doesn't mash down the hair on top of one's head. I have nice hair. And I like to show it off. I also wouldn't mind wearing socks with my sandals. But my true love -- well, that's where she draws the fashion line. No way will see let that happen. --Jim Broede

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