Thursday, November 10, 2011

An example for my true love.

I bought my true love a stationary bicycle. Because she needs to exercise. In convenient ways. Because she ain't gonna do it in inconvenient ways. She's not as addicted to exercise as I am. Although, she could take to the swimming pool. Daily. If only she had one. Conveniently located. I'm a very poor swimmer. Couldn't save my own life if I had to swim for more than a few minutes. Anyway, I'm probably going to use the stationary bicycle far more than my true love. Went 19 miles yesterday. In 62 minutes. Faster than I ride a real bicycle on the road. Then I do 10 to 12 miles in an hour. But a stationary bicycle is much easier to pump at a steady and fast pace. Because it's level. And no wind. And I can close my eyes. Before I came to Sardinia, I was averaging more than 1,000 miles a month. Outdoors. In Minnesota. I'd ride my bicycle 30 to 50 miles daily. Not doing that in Sardinia. Instead, I'm walking about 10 miles a day. And I suppose I'll do some riding on the stationary bicycle. Haven't decided how much yet. Knowing that I have to set a good example for my true love. --Jim Broede

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