Friday, November 11, 2011

Something blooming all the time.

Many of the sidewalks and walkways in the Sardinian city of Carbonia are designed for shrubbery and pedestrians. Probably in about equal amounts. But shrubs seem to edge out the pedestrains in some areas. I like that. The flowering shrubs get so big that pedestrians can barely squeeze by on what's left of the open walkway. But that's a treat. Because the flowers often have a fine fragrance. I like a close brush with a shrub. I'm able to walk all over the city of 30,000 inhabitants. Mostly on sidewalks. That's a treat. One that I don't find in many American cities. Because we are so car-oriented. We choose not to walk to stores. Driving instead. But I see many Sardinians carrying shopping bags and pulling shopping carts down the sidewalks. By the way, my Italian true love doesn't hesitate to break a sprig off a flowering tree. And makes a valiant attempt to root 'em. Yes, flowers, flowers every where. Something blooming all the time. --Jim Broede

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