Wednesday, November 30, 2011

She's making great progress.

If there's anything I've learned as I grow older, it's to not overreact. To virtually anything. All my life, I've been surrounded by people that overreact. Often that gets them into a volatile, angry state. They no longer think clearly. And they become worry warts. So unnecessarily. I used to overreact. Much more than I do now. It's only occasionally now. And I catch myself doing it. And I put a stop to it. Immediately. My true love is an over-reactor. Especially when she gets into a stressful situation. And that exacerbates the stress. It's self-defeating. But she's getting better at controlling her reactions. And thus, her stress. I suspect that's one of the biggest bugaboos of modern civilization. Over-reaction. Maybe it's because we are so busy. So many pressures. We don't take time any more to slow down. In order to reflect. And think things out. Such as our reaction to dilemmas. My true love has far too many balls to juggle. Because she's employed full-time. I have an advantage. I'm retired. I can take my time. I don't have to get everything done all at once today. I can easily put things off. Until tomorrow. Or maybe next week. I've come to live with my true love to make her life easier. To ease her burdens. To lessen her worries. To try to convince her to slow down. To savor the little things in life. To be a true blue romantic. She's making great progress. --Jim Broede

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